Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Total Loss of Control?

Okay, so here goes an attempt to write about sobriety without actually owning my little corner of the internet.

I feel like I should apply a forced, flash-player mp3, presenting an appropriate Dirge for what seems to be the death of SobrietyRules.

I'm very sad to see it go. I worked my tukus off just researching all of the ins 'n outs of web hosting, choosing the right template, and learning the language of web design. I know, I sound like a whiny geek, lamenting the demise of a dear family pet.

I will say this, the possibility of firing up SobrietyRULES in the future is always an option (ideally when an employer decides to accept my qualifications I've assumed on any given application!).

Now, I have always been very honest with you, sometimes painfully so. A little disclaimer is in order: I do have a little more time for my plight to shift, allowing me to keep the original project online. I've been praying.

Incidentally, allow me to pick a quick topic for discussion. It falls right into place with the previous admissions: Ego. Am I displaying a dreadful, selfish egotistic character defect? Am I way too focused on losing something I worked my ass off on? Maybe I should revert my feelings to those of gratitude, and just be thankful that God gave me the ability to embark on such an endeavor?

At first I was fearful of not being able to understand any of the intricacies of self-hosting a blog. But, I pulled it off, and I really enjoyed it.

I gotta tell you, writing all of this stuff out is extremely therapeutic! For weeks I've been privately brooding over the future loss of my site. 

This is definitely related to recovery, because you may be asking, "Gee, Cooper, you're blogging right now, so what's the difference between the old and the new?"

Well, I'll tell you: It's all about Control, which is every alcoholics favorite pastime! In here, I'm at the mercy of Google, where they can put up any kind of add they please on this blog, and other stuff as well. I no longer have control over everything my readers see on my blog. I don't believe this to be a "bad" kind of control, because I am very concerned about what my readers see, and what they may find offensive by way of, lets say, various comments people may leave. I didn't approve of every one, by the way.

There are tons of spam bots, and hateful people on the web, and I went to great lengths to make SobrietyRULES a pleasant reading experience (aside from my oftentimes brutish, offensive language!).

Anyway, I will close this off for now, I mainly wanted to do a "live" post, present it to a few people, and get some opinions. I ask you to please forgive my selfish, paltry, vehement mourning (here I go again) for my little ol' SobrietyRULES.

Love ya


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